March 7, 2023
EU pushes for energy cuts but no overhaul of the market
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Under the EU’s current energy market design, electricity prices are tied to gas prices, which meant the squeeze on gas supplies also pushed up electricity costs. Germany and the Netherlands opposed changes. EU countries will, instead, support: long-term “power purchase agreements”, cuts to consumption at peak times, and electricity storage.
Risky is now safe in bond market upset by soaring inflation
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Junior debt issued by banks is risky. It only gets paid back after other bonds. But due to short duration, the losses are modest, when the interest rates rise, and they offer higher return. European banks’ junior debt, known as contingent convertibles, is up 2.8% this year, as analysts for now don't see major risks in the European banking sector.
Companies are paying to play in inverted debt markets
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The trend this year is towards longer-dated new European corporate bond deals, where yields are lower than on shorter-dated debt, but issuers need to offer yield premium over their existing debt, 30 basis points or more. Euro investment-grade corporate issuance in the first two months of this year was €68 billion, with the average maturity of 9 years.