Cracks in foundation led to wind turbine’s collapse
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TransAlta Renewables has to replace the foundations of 50 wind turbines at Kent Hills wind farm. An investigation has revealed serious structural issues. This caused a 100-metre-tall turbine to collapse in the fall of 2021. The company expects the work to cost between $75 and $100 million. Kent Hills wind turbines will remain offline until the end of 2023.
Energy transition price hike, experts warn from “greenflation”
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Prices of copper, platinum and lithium are rising. Copper is needed for wind farms, platinum for hydrogen production, and lithium for battery production. New environmental guidelines are making future production of copper and aluminium more difficult. This could make carbon dioxide-free electricity significantly more expensive than previously thought.
EU nuclear plants need 500 bn euro investment by 2050
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The EU will need to invest €500 billion in new generation nuclear power stations, said Thierry Breton, the EU internal market commissioner. To label energy from nuclear power and natural gas as "green" was a vital step towards attracting investors. Currently, the bloc gets 26% of its energy from nuclear power, by 2050, this would be reduced to 15%.
European Union divided on gas and nuclear energy
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The European Commission’s latest proposal to label natural gas and nuclear energy as green sources under the so-called EU taxonomy has reopened schisms within the bloc. Natural gas accounted for 22.3% of the EU’s energy mix in 2019, with nuclear power making up 13.1% according to Eurostat, but their use varies in every member state.
EU sleepwalked into an energy crisis that could last years
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The crisis has left the EU at the mercy of the weather and Vladimir Putin’s wiles. Natural gas storage sites are only 56% full, more than 15 percentage points below the 10-year average. Russia is building troops on the border with Ukraine. The energy situation limits the scope of actions Western powers can take to counter Russian aggression.
Energy-starved France mulls burning more coal to keep lights on
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The crisis has left the EU at the mercy of the weather and Vladimir Putin’s wiles. Natural gas storage sites are only 56% full, more than 15 percentage points below the 10-year average. Russia is building troops on the border with Ukraine. The energy situation limits the scope of actions Western powers can take to counter Russian aggression.
Europe power: Day-ahead up on less wind, more demand
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European prompt power prices on Monday notched up sharp gains as German day-ahead wind power supply was seen halving while demand rose due to falling temperatures. German week-ahead baseload jumped 76% to €211.2/MWh. German front-year power and the equivalent French contract were at 111 euros and 124.5 euros on Dec. 31.
Germany shuts down three of six nuclear power stations
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The country installed only 1.65 GW. To meet the government's targets, Germany would have to add 9.8 GW of solar and 5.9 GW of onshore wind annually. To secure its supply, Germany could be tempted to build more gas-fired power stations, but this risks reinforcing its dependence on Russia, as illustrated by the controversial Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline.
France faces power cuts in case of a cold snap, grid says
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France risks falling short of electricity in a cold snap and lack of wind next month as an abnormally high number of the country’s nuclear reactors are halted for maintenance, the country’s grid operator said. More than a quarter of the 56 atomic reactors are currently halted because the coronavirus pandemic has disrupted the utility’s maintenance program.
Europe’s energy crunch set to linger as power prices hit records
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Supply has not been able to keep up due to years of lower investments in fossil fuels. Europe’s renewable energy sources have struggled with low wind speeds. German power for next year reached €192 MWh. As utilities burn more fossil fuels, carbon prices surged to a record €90.75/t, with options traders betting prices will hit €100/t by the end of 2021.
France and Spain demand changes to EU energy market
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Spain has called for a change to the EU’s marginal pricing system and for a common EU approach, including natural gas purchases and strategic reserves. It has pushed back against electricity companies’ challenge to Madrid’s €3bn levy on their “windfall profits”. Some EU leaders are calling for the bloc to reconsider decarbonisation plans.
EDF urges overhaul of EU rules to reach net zero
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“The short-term prices are the only price signals for long-term investment and this has to change,” said the CEO of nuclear power giant Electricite de France SA. He also urged EU nations to overcome their divisions concerning nuclear power when setting the financial rules, otherwise, only non-European banks will be able to finance new atomic plants.
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