A study on the greenium of sustainability-linked bonds (SLB)
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University of Zurich compared SLBs to their non-labelled equivalents. 55 of the bond pairs saw a sustainabilty premium larger than penalty attached for not meeting KPIs. 36 of the pairs saw no or a negative premium. Premium was higher for callable bonds, where the issuer may repay the debt before maturity and often before the KPI measurement date.
Blame the EU for high energy prices, Poland tells households
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Polish energy providers detail the cost of carbon-emission permits in invoices to households. These costs are high, as Poland relies on coal for more than 70% of power generation. It will cost $415 billion, or about two-thirds of gross domestic product, for Poland to reach the EU’s net-zero emissions goal by 2050, according to government estimates.
LuxSE admits digital securities issued by Societe Generale
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The Luxembourg Stock Exchange marked the admission of the first financial instruments registered on a public distributed ledger technology (DLT). The three series of security tokens admitted on LuxSE SOL are digital covered bonds (housing finance bonds) and structured products. They are financial instruments and debt securities under French law.
Wealth fund warns ‘permanent’ inflation will hit returns
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Nicolai Tangen, CEO of Norway’s $1.3tn sovereign wealth fund said inflation could be stronger than expected: “It hits bonds and shares at the same time. For the next few years, it will hit both.” AQR Capital Management estimated that a classic portfolio of 60% stocks and 40% bonds would return just 2% annually after inflation over the next 5-10 years.
EU nuclear plants need 500 bn euro investment by 2050
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The EU will need to invest €500 billion in new generation nuclear power stations, said Thierry Breton, the EU internal market commissioner. To label energy from nuclear power and natural gas as "green" was a vital step towards attracting investors. Currently, the bloc gets 26% of its energy from nuclear power, by 2050, this would be reduced to 15%.
European Securities and Markets Authority blockchain pilot
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ESMA has published a paper seeking feedback on possible changes to regulatory standards and reporting requirements when deploying distributed ledger technology (DLT) for securities trading and settlement. The consultation comes in the wake of plans for a pilot regime for trading and settling digital securities issued, traded and recorded on DLT.
Bank fees for green debt surpass fossil-fuel financing
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In 2021 banks pocketed US$3.4 billion from green-labelled debt deals, compared with US$3.3B from their work with oil, gas and coal companies. In 2020, the split was US$1.9B for green and US$3.7B for fossil fuels. Analysts expect that US$2.5 trillion of debt advertised as green or ESG-oriented will be issued this year, up from US$1.5T in 2021.
German private banks lower the secured amounts
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In Germany, deposits up to 100,000 euros are secured by law. Higher amounts are secured through the Association of German Banks (BdB). For individuals, the secured amounts will be limited to 5 mln from 1 January 2022 and they will reach 1 mln by 2030. For companies, the amount will be slowly lowered from 50 mln to 10 mln by 2030.
Global bond markets are wakening from a long slumber
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Bond investors are reacting to higher inflation: across 35 economies, 5-year bond yields have risen by an average of 0.65 percentage points in the past 3 months. In OECD countries, inflation rose to an uncomfortable 4.6% year on year in September. Real bond yields, after accounting for inflation, are -1%, within spitting distance of record lows.
Money managers face ‘greenwashing’ scrutiny
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IOSCO, which groups watchdogs from the United States, Europe, Asia and elsewhere has published recommendations which its members are obliged to apply when scrutinising how asset managers sell funds which tout ESG good practice, with the value of such funds hitting a record $3.9 trillion at the end of the third quarter, Morningstar data shows.
Bondholders risk $2.6 trillion hit on even a modest yield rise
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A modest rise in yields that inflicts trillions of dollars in losses. The potential for steep losses is a legacy of the tilt toward longer-term borrowing during the era of historically low rates. The higher duration is, the larger the drop in prices. With a half-point increase in yields, the hit to the $68 T Bloomberg Global Aggregate Index would be around $2.6 T.
Barclays: green bond investors pay more for less liquidity
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Green bonds trade less often than corporate bonds in general and tend to yield about 0.04 percentage point less. If many investors decide to liquidate their holdings, they may be disappointed by demand in the secondary market. Bank of England will likely cut its target for corporate bond purchases in the energy sector as it implements measures to greenify QE.
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